Meet A Merchandiser!

There are merchandising-focused education courses but most centre on fashion and specialty retail. The brick and mortar grocery/hybrid CPG retail store is evolving to be a place for the product to shine but it is hard when everything is a mess! 

Introducing our blog for Consumer Package Goods merchandisers. Merchandiser’s Minutes is a place to support, train and advocate for the merchandisers that work hard within the grocery and hybrid department stores. Our posts cover aspects about the store, the display play and the help that merchandisers need to succeed. There is absolutely no ‘mud-slinging’, negative approaches, or identifying of any store or associate. The posts are for constructive improvement and celebrating success.

We will be welcoming the contribution of merchandisers in the field. Please submit below if you are interested in writing for the blog!


Our Contributing Merchandisers

Cindy has experienced a multi-faceted work life within the retail and consumer arena. Beginning with part-time jobs as a tender teen in the mid-80’s, to entering into fashion commission sales as a post-graduate from Centennial College’s business merchandising program. Her path has led her to high-volume drug and department store sales service, followed by experiences as an outsource territory lead, and then to the intimate setting of nutrition and wellness sales. Cindy now enjoys a dynamic role, starting in 2013, as a merchandising specialist in the CPG channel representing some large catalogue vendors in major banners in Ontario. Cindy’s favourite mantra is “deliver good everyday for all customers. ” Be true to what you need to succeed, and renew, rejuvenate and reward for a life lived well.